The DAISY Consortium is a global consortium of organizations committed to a common vision and mission, which pools and coordinates resources to deliver global change. We work towards creating the best way to read and publish. (from the official website)
<What we do> 1. MCT provides an opportunity for immigrant children to learn Japanese and study other subjects on an everyday basis. 2. MCT provides educational information (multilingual) for immigrant children and their families 3. MCT holds volunteer-run Saturday classes providing children with opportunities to interact with community volunteers and receive individual attention in their studies
이 web 사이트에는 초등학교, 중학교 아이들의 생활에 관한 것이나 초등학교 취학전 아이들의 생활, 고등학교 진학에 관한 것, 의료, 상담창구등이 씌어져 있습니다. 아이들의 생활을 파악하는데 참고로 해 주십시오. 초등학교, 중학교의 생활에 씌어져 있는 것은 한 학교의 예입니다. 그러므로 학교에 따라 다를 수도 있습니다. 잘 모를 때에는 담임 선생님께 확인 해 주십시오.
This guidebook contains information on school life in elementary schools & junior high schools, preparation before entering elementary school, entering senior high school, medical matters and consultation, along with other information. Please use it as a reference tool for your children in Yamagata.
Handbook for supporting foreign kids and students in Yamagata prefecture.
Musashino International Association (MIA) aims to make our town more open-minded, where people with different cultural backgrounds live together, where international residents and local Japanese work together under the ideal of World Peace. / 地域での国際交流の推進を通して、生活者としての外国人をサポートしながら、一緒に地域を作っていく隣人としての関係づくりに努めています。
“Minna no Kyozai is a members-only website to help Japanese-language teachers around the world create teaching materials for their students. Developed and managed by Japan foundation, Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa.” (from the website)
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