Tag: Tool
This system adds Japanese reading on Kanji in websites written in Japanese.
Ritsumeikan Univ. DAISY Association (Rits-DAISY) / 立命館大学DAISY研究会
Rits-DAISYでは、DAISYのユニバーサルデザイン性(障がいの有無にかかわらず、だれにとっても便利であるという特色)に注目して、読み書きに困難を伴う子どもはもとより、さらに、日本に在住する外国人児童・成人の日本語・母国語学習支援に応用していくことを目指して、活動を展開しています。 (website より)
“We think this universal design digital text is also very useful for the foreign students for learning Japanese as well as their own language. Rits-DAISY is now making multilingual DAISY digital books in order to support foreign students. The members of Rits-DAISY include university professors, graduate students, undergraduate students and other volunteers. It was founded in January 2009 when it began to support the foreign students in Kyoto and Shiga areas.” (from the website)
Link to Consortium in English – http://www.daisy.org/about_us
Additional link from Japanese based site: http://www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/japanese/glossary/DAISY.html
Enjoy DAISY (Digital Accessible Information SYstem) / エンジョイ・デイジー
The DAISY Consortium is a global consortium of organizations committed to a common vision and mission, which pools and coordinates resources to deliver global change. We work towards creating the best way to read and publish. (from the official website)
基本動詞ハンドブック / Basic Verb Handbook(国立国語研究所)
★みんなの教材サイト / Minna no Kyozai(国際交流基金)
“Minna no Kyozai is a members-only website to help Japanese-language teachers around the world create teaching materials for their students. Developed and managed by Japan foundation, Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa.” (from the website)
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