Tag: Reading
- Chinese, English, Hyogo, Indonesian, Korean, Material, Philippines, Portuguese, Reading, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese
母語教材ダウンロード(兵庫県国際交流協会 HIA)
キッズウェブジャパン / Kids Web Japan
子ども向けに日本を紹介するウェブサイト。ゲームや、昔話を読めるコンテンツもある。日本の基本情報や文化のほか、最近の話題やテクノロジーについても紹介されている。基本的には英語と日本語で利用できるが、Explore Japanの項目は、そのほかにフランス語、スペイン語、ドイツ語、韓国語、アラビア語、中国語で読むことができる。
Website for children to introduce Japan. It contains Japanese folk tales, information on Japanese traditional and modern culture as well as current topics and technologies. It is provided mainly in Japanese and English. In addition, you can read “Explore Japan” in French, Spanish, German, Korean, Arabic, and Chinese.
niponica / にぽにか
niponica is a web magazine that introduces modern Japan to people all over the world.
★★★ upStage
Nossa Missão: cultura e conhecimento para todos os brasileiros que estão em território japonês.
Website of Portuguese picture books
多言語絵本の会 / RAINBOW
2006年2月から、東京都目黒区内で、日本語を母語としない人たちと、小学校や図書館で、多言語の読み聞かせ活動をしています。 子どもたちは、日本語以外の言葉を聞くことができます。外国の人たちは、自分の言葉を話すことができます。母語が大切にされることが、私たちの願いです。(ホームページより。日本語の会くれよん、東京と目黒区)
“Group of Reading picture books in multi language ―RAINBOW” is an activity that Nihongo no kai “Crayon” has been organizing since 2006 in Mguro, Tokyo. The aim of the group is to keep the mother tongue of foreign residents in Japan through reading aloud picture books for children in multilingual languages at elementary schools or libraries.
Kid’s Books / キッズブックス
KIDS’ BOOKS by Paperweight Books is a real bookstore (in Yoga, Setagaya, Tokyo) and website bookstore specializing in English language children’s books.
★EIGO-NET / えいごネット: 英語教員のためのポータルサイト
EIGO-NET aims to assist English teachers in obtaining useful information. It contains information on materials, methods and approach, topics, ALT handbook as well as easy reading text for students.
Ritsumeikan Univ. DAISY Association (Rits-DAISY) / 立命館大学DAISY研究会
Rits-DAISYでは、DAISYのユニバーサルデザイン性(障がいの有無にかかわらず、だれにとっても便利であるという特色)に注目して、読み書きに困難を伴う子どもはもとより、さらに、日本に在住する外国人児童・成人の日本語・母国語学習支援に応用していくことを目指して、活動を展開しています。 (website より)
“We think this universal design digital text is also very useful for the foreign students for learning Japanese as well as their own language. Rits-DAISY is now making multilingual DAISY digital books in order to support foreign students. The members of Rits-DAISY include university professors, graduate students, undergraduate students and other volunteers. It was founded in January 2009 when it began to support the foreign students in Kyoto and Shiga areas.” (from the website)
Link to Consortium in English – http://www.daisy.org/about_us
Additional link from Japanese based site: http://www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/japanese/glossary/DAISY.html
Enjoy DAISY (Digital Accessible Information SYstem) / エンジョイ・デイジー
The DAISY Consortium is a global consortium of organizations committed to a common vision and mission, which pools and coordinates resources to deliver global change. We work towards creating the best way to read and publish. (from the official website)
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