ひょうごラテンコミュニティは、ワールドキッズコミュニティ(阪神淡路大震災をきっかけに立ち上がった外国人支援団体)内の一組織として2000年から活動を始め、2011年4月1日より独立した団体として活動を行っています。 日本に在住するスペイン語圏出身の皆さまへの支援を行っています。(ホームページ 設立概要より)
Comunidad Latina Hyogo es una agrupación sin fines de lucro de ayuda y asistencia para los hispanohablantes residentes en Japón, fundada en el año 2000 dentro de la ONG World Kids Community. A partir del 1 de abril de 2011 dejamos de ser parte de la ONG para convertirnos en una agrupación independiente. Desde el inicio de nuestras actividades contamos con el reconocimiento autoridades japonesas de la Prefectura de Hyogo y de la ciudad de Kobe. El nombre exacto de nuestra agrupación y con el que estamos registrados ante las autoridades japonesas de nuestra jurisdicción es ひょうごラテンコミュニティ (Hyogo Laten Community).
外国につながる子ども・保護者のための小中学校入学のしおり(鶴見区) / A Guide for Guardians and Children to Enter School (Tsurumi Ward)
This Guide has both an elementary school and a junior high school version prepared in 6 languages. The elementary school version is
“Welcome to Elementary School in Tsurumi Ward ― To Live a Pleasant School Life– A Guide for Parents/Guardians of the Children Related to Foreign Countries –“. This guide is to provide parents/guardians of the children related to foreign countries with necessary information so that they can easily understand school life in Japan. Apart from this elementary school version, there is a junior high school version as well.
English ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shiorie.pdf
Chinese ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shioirc.pdf
Tagalog ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shiorit.pdf
Spanish ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shioris.pdf
Portuguese ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shiorip.pdf
“Enjoying School” is published by the Yamato City Board of Education in Kanagawa. “Enjoying School” contains “First Step of Japanese”, “Kanji and other words commonly used in Textbooks”, and “School guide for Foreign Children and Guardians”. It is prepared in 8 languages: Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnam, Portuguese, English, Korean, and Chinese. PDF of English version is
“First Step of Japanese 1” ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053692.pdf,
“First Step of Japanese 2″ ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053759.pdf
”Kanji and other words commonly used in Textbooks” ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053760.pdf
”School Guide for Foreign Children and Guardians” ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053761.pdf
マルチリンガル教育を進めるためのキット:すべての子どもに教育の機会を (ユネスコ 2010)
“This kit was prepared for all of those who want to ensure that ‘Education for All’ does,
indeed, include everyone! The kit will be especially valuable for policy makers, education
practitioners and specialists who want to improve access to and quality of education for
those excluded by language. It will also be helpful for speakers of ethnic minority languages
who want to improve the education situation in their own communities.
This kit is designed to raise awareness on the importance of mother tongue-based
multilingual education (MLE). It presents key arguments and facts about MLE and provides
important insights about the value and benefits of providing education in learners’ mother
tongue. The kit also presents ideas, research findings and concrete examples that you can
use to think about your own situation and suggests steps for taking actions to make your
school system more responsive to linguistic diversity.” (from the book)
[ UNESCO Bangkok > Education > Themes > Multilingual Education ]
“UNESCO promotes mother tongue-based bilingual or multilingual approaches in education – an important factor for inclusion and quality in education. Research shows this has a positive impact on learning and learning outcomes.” ”The Organization provides normative frameworks for language policy and education and shares good practices in bilingual and multilingual education and mother tongue instruction.” (from the website)
ユネスコバンコックによる、母語を基本としたバイリンガル・マルチリンガル教育を推進するためのウェブサイト。研究によればこのアプローチは学習にプラスの効果を与える。ユネスコバンコックでは言語教育政策の枠組みを提示し、母語教育、バイリンガル・マルチリンガル教育の有効な実践や啓蒙のためのリソースをwebsite上で紹介している。MLE e-Newsletter ⇒ http://www.unescobkk.org/ru/resources/e-library/publications/article/20th-issue-of-multilingual-education-e-newsletter/。
“The first point of contact with the French school system will be the “CASNAV” (Centre Académique pour la Scolarisation des Nouveaux Arrivants et des enfants du Voyage) which is part of the “Académie de Nice” (region of Var and Alpes-Maritimes)・・・・The greeting of the children is not based on just a simple administrative file, but with a true human and educational approach. Once they have acquired the knowledge and abilities of the French language and culture it is imperative for them to integrate as quickly as possible a class and course work that other children follow.” (from the site of Achademie de Nice)
CASNAV 06 はフランスのニースにある、CLD児を支援するセンター。保護者むけの情報や、指導例と子どもの作品とともに、指導者むけのリソースがあり、講習会の資料も閲覧ができる。「複数言語主義におけるフランス語」のトピックの講習会資料には、母語に関する指摘や教授法、エンパワーメントに関する記述も含まれている。
「教育方針についてのハンドブック 幼少期の言語学習を効果的・持続的に行うために」
“This Handbook is primarily directed at Member State authorities and administrations in charge of early childhood education and care and of language education. It is also aimed at those specifically involved in the development of language education (e.g. curriculum developers, teacher education and research institutions) and front line staff involved in the delivery and support of Early Language Learning (ELL) (pre-school managers, teachers, pedagogues and child carers). It can also provide guidance for parents and community stakeholders.” (Introduction, page 4) (Published by European Commission in 2011)
マルチリンガリズム 欧州委員会の言語政策:言語多様性を支援するポリシーにのっとり、教育の再考・言語能力とベンチマークなどのイニシアチブをとりつつ、公用語・現地語・手話・早期言語教育・バイリンガル教育の具体的な考え方や教育の方法を提言している。
国際母語デイ:2月21日 ユネスコは2000年から毎年2月に国際母語デイを開催している。言語的、文化的多様性とマルチリンガリズムを広めるためである。
Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage. All moves to promote the dissemination of mother tongues will serve not only to encourage linguistic diversity and multilingual education but also to develop fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world and to inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue.(from UN website)
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