As an organization designated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) as a “Recognized Local International Exchange Association,” the Tokyo International Communication Committee (TICC) aims to fulfill its mission of promoting internationalization in local communities. It also aims to advance the internationalization of Tokyo by seeking close relationships with private groups, local international associations, non-government organizations (NGOs), and many other parties which act to promote international exchange and cooperation as well as support foreign residents. TICC also hopes to establish a wide-ranging network among such entities.(from the website)
UNIVERSAL DECLARATION ON LINGUISTIC RIGHTS World Conference on Linguistic Rights Barcelona, Spain, 9 June 1996
(1) Address by Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of the celebration of International Mother Language Day, UNESCO Headquarters, 21 February 2000 前ユネスコ事務局長松浦晃一郎氏による第一回国際母語デー開催にあたってのスピーチ。 リンクはこちら → URL: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0011/001190/119060e.pdf
(2) Unesco Approved Programme and Budget 2000-2001 (30 C/5) : The International Mothers Day observed on 21st February is noted as one of the four results expected at the end of biennium within the “Main line of action 4, Linguistic diversity and multilingual education”. ユネスコ総会で承認された活動計画書 p.55-56 言語の多様性と多言語教育の項、期待される成果の中に国際母語デー(2月21日)に関する記載がある(p.55-56)。 リンクはこちら URL : http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001206/120679e.pdf
”PISA 2012 Results in Focus: What 15-year-olds know and what they can do with what they know”: Key results from PISA 2012 (Pdf: English, French, German): PISA 2012 is the programme’s 5th survey. It assessed the competencies of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematics and science (with a focus on mathematics) in 65 countries and economies. Website URL : http://www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/pisa-2012-results.htm
OECDが3年ごとに行っているOECD生徒の学習到達度調査の結果のうち2012年版(2014年現在の最新版)。PISA(ピザ)2012は65の国と地域の15歳の生徒、85000人を対象とした数学、読解、科学の学習到達度調査で、社会的経済的状況、教育方針などと到達度の関係を解説している。PISAはProgramme for International Student Assessmentの略。 PISAのウェブサイトはこちら → http://www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/pisa-2012-results.htm 日本の結果の要点はこちら → http://www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/PISA-2012-results-japan-JPN.pdf 文部科学省(国立教育政策研究所)による報告書等はこちら → http://www.nier.go.jp/kokusai/pisa/
Purpose of Establishment
“Japan Overseas Educational Services (JOES) was originally founded through the initiative of Japanese corporations as an organization aimed at promoting the education of Japanese children abroad in accordance with the government’s policy of overseas education. Many corporations and organizations engaged in overseas business activities have come together to establish this foundation.
JOES was officially established on January 29, 1971 as a non-profit foundation with the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education. Since then, it has made significant contributions in promoting the education of Japanese children overseas.”
全国の都道府県および政令指定都市において、国際化・多文化交流関連の情報提供をしている公式のウェブサイトを網羅的にリストにしたもの。 (PDF 580KB)
「本報告書は、厚生労働省の補助事業として、日本保育協会が実施した「保育の国際化に関する調査研究」の結果をまとめたものです。この事業は、保育の国際化、外国人保育等に関する調査研究を行い、保育所保育の充実と向上に資することを目的とするものです。今年度は、各都道府県・指定都市・中核市における外国人児童が入所している保育所数、外国人児童数、国籍、対応状況等について、また保育所における受け入れの状況、外国人保育のための保育士研修の状況、保護者とのコミュニケーション、外国人保育を行うにあたって支援団体との連携状況、外国人保育への考え方等について調査研究を実施しました。〔「序」より〕〔社会福祉法人 日本保育協会〕
Survey report by Nihon Hoiku Kyokai (Japan Association of Childcare) on Internationalization of Childcare in Nursery schools, supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour Welfare.
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