MTB-MLE – Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Research and Practice
UNESCO Bankok ⇒ Education ⇒ Inclusion and Gender Equality in Education ⇒ MTB-MLE
Advocating Multilingual Education in Cambodia カンボジアにおけるマルチリンガル教育
CARE developed an innovative model based on best practices in bilingual or multilingual education.1 Multilingual Education (MLE) provides opportunities for children to start their education in their home language, which then acts as a bridge to and facilitates the learning of the national language.(p.1)
UNIVERSAL DECLARATION ON LINGUISTIC RIGHTS World Conference on Linguistic Rights Barcelona, Spain, 9 June 1996
Multilingualism and Mother tongue / 多言語主義と母語
(1) Address by Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of the celebration of International Mother Language Day, UNESCO Headquarters, 21 February 2000 前ユネスコ事務局長松浦晃一郎氏による第一回国際母語デー開催にあたってのスピーチ。 リンクはこちら → URL: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0011/001190/119060e.pdf
(2) Unesco Approved Programme and Budget 2000-2001 (30 C/5) : The International Mothers Day observed on 21st February is noted as one of the four results expected at the end of biennium within the “Main line of action 4, Linguistic diversity and multilingual education”. ユネスコ総会で承認された活動計画書 p.55-56 言語の多様性と多言語教育の項、期待される成果の中に国際母語デー(2月21日)に関する記載がある(p.55-56)。 リンクはこちら URL : http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001206/120679e.pdf
Advocacy Kit for promoting Multilingual Education: Including the Excluded (UNESCO, 2010)
マルチリンガル教育を進めるためのキット:すべての子どもに教育の機会を (ユネスコ 2010)
“This kit was prepared for all of those who want to ensure that ‘Education for All’ does,
indeed, include everyone! The kit will be especially valuable for policy makers, education
practitioners and specialists who want to improve access to and quality of education for
those excluded by language. It will also be helpful for speakers of ethnic minority languages
who want to improve the education situation in their own communities.
This kit is designed to raise awareness on the importance of mother tongue-based
multilingual education (MLE). It presents key arguments and facts about MLE and provides
important insights about the value and benefits of providing education in learners’ mother
tongue. The kit also presents ideas, research findings and concrete examples that you can
use to think about your own situation and suggests steps for taking actions to make your
school system more responsive to linguistic diversity.” (from the book)
Languages Matter! (UNESCO, Multimedia Archives eServices)
UNESCO Video on Cultural Diversity (2010)
“Half of the 6,700 languages spoken today are in danger of disappearing before the century ends, a process that can be slowed only if urgent action is taken by governments and speaker communities. UNESCO’s Endangered Languages Programme mobilizes international cooperation to focus attention on this grave situation and to promote innovative solutions from communities, experts and authorities.
This video was produced by the UNESCO Liaison Office in New York in 2010, on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, to raise awareness on the importance on languages today.”
http://www.unesco.org/archives/multimedia/index.php?s=films_details&pg=33&id=1774 (French version)
http://www.unesco.org/archives/multimedia/index.php?s=flvplayer&pg=33&vo=3&vl=Spa&id=1774 (Spanish version)
Multilingual Education (UNESCO Bangkok) / マルチリンガル教育[ユネスコバンコック]
[ UNESCO Bangkok > Education > Themes > Multilingual Education ]
“UNESCO promotes mother tongue-based bilingual or multilingual approaches in education – an important factor for inclusion and quality in education. Research shows this has a positive impact on learning and learning outcomes.” ”The Organization provides normative frameworks for language policy and education and shares good practices in bilingual and multilingual education and mother tongue instruction.” (from the website)
ユネスコバンコックによる、母語を基本としたバイリンガル・マルチリンガル教育を推進するためのウェブサイト。研究によればこのアプローチは学習にプラスの効果を与える。ユネスコバンコックでは言語教育政策の枠組みを提示し、母語教育、バイリンガル・マルチリンガル教育の有効な実践や啓蒙のためのリソースをwebsite上で紹介している。MLE e-Newsletter ⇒ http://www.unescobkk.org/ru/resources/e-library/publications/article/20th-issue-of-multilingual-education-e-newsletter/。
International Mother Language Dayー21 February
国際母語デイ:2月21日 ユネスコは2000年から毎年2月に国際母語デイを開催している。言語的、文化的多様性とマルチリンガリズムを広めるためである。
Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage. All moves to promote the dissemination of mother tongues will serve not only to encourage linguistic diversity and multilingual education but also to develop fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world and to inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue.(from UN website)
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