Tag: Video
Linguistically Appropriate Practice (LAP)(You Tube Clip)
This video describes a new way for practitioners and teachers to work with young children who arrive in centers and classrooms with little or no understanding of the language of program deliver. (from You Tube Clip page) [ MyLanguage.ca URL https://www.ryerson.ca/mylanguage/lap/ ]
Languages Matter! (UNESCO, Multimedia Archives eServices)
UNESCO Video on Cultural Diversity (2010)
“Half of the 6,700 languages spoken today are in danger of disappearing before the century ends, a process that can be slowed only if urgent action is taken by governments and speaker communities. UNESCO’s Endangered Languages Programme mobilizes international cooperation to focus attention on this grave situation and to promote innovative solutions from communities, experts and authorities.
This video was produced by the UNESCO Liaison Office in New York in 2010, on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, to raise awareness on the importance on languages today.”
http://www.unesco.org/archives/multimedia/index.php?s=films_details&pg=33&id=1774 (French version)
http://www.unesco.org/archives/multimedia/index.php?s=flvplayer&pg=33&vo=3&vl=Spa&id=1774 (Spanish version)
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