Tag: Approach
Linguistically Appropriate Practice (LAP)(You Tube Clip)

This video describes a new way for practitioners and teachers to work with young children who arrive in centers and classrooms with little or no understanding of the language of program deliver. (from You Tube Clip page) [ MyLanguage.ca URL https://www.ryerson.ca/mylanguage/lap/ ]
Dr. Jim Cummins’ LAR lab (Toronto)

LAR = Language as Resource. “We’ve created this space for you to share, borrow, and play with the many different ways you can teach languages while utilizing your students’ home languages as a resource. ” (from the website)
多言語対話型評価法ワークショップの記録 Dialogic Language Assessment Workshop

2009年に「OBC実践ワークショップ」から始まった子どもの会話力・読書力評価法ワークショップの概説。MSワードファイルのダウンロード⇒多言語対話型評価法WSの記録 Report on the workshops on Dialogic Language Assessment
きせつ.org The Way to Successful Japanese

“Kisetsu.org is a web site to learn about Kisetsu, a series of Japanese-language textbooks for secondary students. It’s also a developmental web site because teachers who use Kisetsu can post their lesson plans and ideas and their students’ work in order to share them with others. This web site also provides more general information about Japanese language education.” (from the website)
CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning:クリル)

近年ヨーロッパでは、CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning:クリル)という英語教育法が急速に広まっています。これは、理科や社会などの教科学習と英語の語学学習を統合したアプローチです。教科内容を題材にさまざまな言語活動を行うことで、英語の4技能を高めることができ、日本でも子どもたちの発信能力を高め、英語教育の質的向上をもたらすものと期待されています。(ウェブサイトより)(2011)
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