日本の学校への入学手続き [文部科学省、2005年4月]
Procedures for Entering Japanese Schools in English, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Chinese, Portuguese, and Spanish [April, 2005、Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]
”The International Baccalaureate® (IB) is a non-profit educational foundation, motivated by its mission, focused on the student. Our four programmes for students aged 3 to 19 help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.” (From the IB official website)
Picture book (PDF version) of four Japanese traditional stories in both Japanese and Spanish. Contents are ”Urashimataro”, ”Tsuru no ongaeshi”, ” Momotaro”, and ”Kasajizou”.
ひょうごラテンコミュニティは、ワールドキッズコミュニティ(阪神淡路大震災をきっかけに立ち上がった外国人支援団体)内の一組織として2000年から活動を始め、2011年4月1日より独立した団体として活動を行っています。 日本に在住するスペイン語圏出身の皆さまへの支援を行っています。(ホームページ 設立概要より)
Comunidad Latina Hyogo es una agrupación sin fines de lucro de ayuda y asistencia para los hispanohablantes residentes en Japón, fundada en el año 2000 dentro de la ONG World Kids Community. A partir del 1 de abril de 2011 dejamos de ser parte de la ONG para convertirnos en una agrupación independiente. Desde el inicio de nuestras actividades contamos con el reconocimiento autoridades japonesas de la Prefectura de Hyogo y de la ciudad de Kobe. El nombre exacto de nuestra agrupación y con el que estamos registrados ante las autoridades japonesas de nuestra jurisdicción es ひょうごラテンコミュニティ (Hyogo Laten Community).
外国につながる子ども・保護者のための小中学校入学のしおり(鶴見区) / A Guide for Guardians and Children to Enter School (Tsurumi Ward)

This Guide has both an elementary school and a junior high school version prepared in 6 languages. The elementary school version is
“Welcome to Elementary School in Tsurumi Ward ― To Live a Pleasant School Life– A Guide for Parents/Guardians of the Children Related to Foreign Countries –“. This guide is to provide parents/guardians of the children related to foreign countries with necessary information so that they can easily understand school life in Japan. Apart from this elementary school version, there is a junior high school version as well.
English ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shiorie.pdf
Chinese ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shioirc.pdf
Tagalog ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shiorit.pdf
Spanish ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shioris.pdf
Portuguese ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shiorip.pdf
“Enjoying School” is published by the Yamato City Board of Education in Kanagawa. “Enjoying School” contains “First Step of Japanese”, “Kanji and other words commonly used in Textbooks”, and “School guide for Foreign Children and Guardians”. It is prepared in 8 languages: Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnam, Portuguese, English, Korean, and Chinese. PDF of English version is
“First Step of Japanese 1” ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053692.pdf,
“First Step of Japanese 2″ ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053759.pdf
”Kanji and other words commonly used in Textbooks” ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053760.pdf
”School Guide for Foreign Children and Guardians” ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053761.pdf
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