日本の学校への入学手続き [文部科学省、2005年4月]
Procedures for Entering Japanese Schools in English, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Chinese, Portuguese, and Spanish [April, 2005、Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]
★★帰国外国人児童生徒教育に関するコンテンツ一覧(川崎市) / Contents list for returnee and foreign students education (Kawasaki City)
「健康・安全」(1. 結核問診票 2. 保健調査票)、「受入れ・指導の手引き」(1. 児童生徒調査票 多言語 (Word)、 2. 温かい声かけから リーフレット (PDF)、3. 帰国外国人児童生徒の手引き (Word) 4. ともに生きる (PDF) )、「日本語指導」(1. にほんごのあゆみ、2. 算数6ヶ国語対訳集、3. 学校用語集 多言語 (PDF) ) 必要に応じて中国語・韓国語・タガログ語・スペイン語・ポルトガル語で作成されている。 [神奈川県川崎市総合教育センター]
算数6か国語対訳集 http://www.keins.city.kawasaki.jp/content/taiyaku/taiyaku.htm
学校用語集(スペイン語版) http://www.keins.city.kawasaki.jp/1/KE1026/h24/kikoku_gaikoku/gakkoyougosyu/yougosyu_supe.pdf
★★外国につながりのある児童生徒への指導・支援の手引き(神奈川県) / Guidebook to support students related to foreign contries (Kanagawa Prefecture)
[神奈川県教育局 支援部 子ども教育支援課]
外国につながる子ども・保護者のための小中学校入学のしおり(鶴見区) / A Guide for Guardians and Children to Enter School (Tsurumi Ward)
This Guide has both an elementary school and a junior high school version prepared in 6 languages. The elementary school version is
“Welcome to Elementary School in Tsurumi Ward ― To Live a Pleasant School Life– A Guide for Parents/Guardians of the Children Related to Foreign Countries –“. This guide is to provide parents/guardians of the children related to foreign countries with necessary information so that they can easily understand school life in Japan. Apart from this elementary school version, there is a junior high school version as well.
English ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shiorie.pdf
Chinese ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shioirc.pdf
Tagalog ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shiorit.pdf
Spanish ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shioris.pdf
Portuguese ⇒ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/tsurumi/etc/exchange/image/shiorip.pdf
“Enjoying School” is published by the Yamato City Board of Education in Kanagawa. “Enjoying School” contains “First Step of Japanese”, “Kanji and other words commonly used in Textbooks”, and “School guide for Foreign Children and Guardians”. It is prepared in 8 languages: Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnam, Portuguese, English, Korean, and Chinese. PDF of English version is
“First Step of Japanese 1” ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053692.pdf,
“First Step of Japanese 2″ ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053759.pdf
”Kanji and other words commonly used in Textbooks” ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053760.pdf
”School Guide for Foreign Children and Guardians” ⇒ http://www.city.yamato.lg.jp/web/content/000053761.pdf
Welcome to Yokohama School System – for Parents and Guardians (Yokohama City) / ようこそ横浜の学校へ-保護者の方へ(横浜市)
<Guide for Schools to Help Students Who Need to Study Japanese>
This is a guidebook for parents and guardians to understand Japanese schools published by the Yokohama Board of Education. Contents are: school system, Admissions of students requiring assistance with Japanese Language, school life in Yokohama, school activities and events, education contents, club activities (BUKATSUDO), things that parents and guardians should understand about school, after school activities in elementary school, academic paths, contact points. English, Chinese, Tagalog, Korean, Vietnam, Portuguese, and Spanish versions are available.
This guide book is the 3rd part of the “Welcome to Yokohama School System”. The 1st part is <Guide for Schools to Help Students Who Need to Study Japanese>, the 2nd part is <School Notifications and School-Related Terms: For Schools, Parents and Guardians>.
「ようこそ横浜の学校へ」のホームページ http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/kyoiku/kyoikukatei/nihongoshido-tebiki/
日本の学校で使うものについて、学校から買うもの、自分で準備するもの、音楽で使うもの、算数で使うもの、給食で使うものなどに分けて、わかりにくいものは写真入りで説明がある。英語、中国語、韓国語、タガログ語版が準備してある。「山形市のたのしい学校」(山形市の小学校・中学校に子どもを通わせる外国人保護者のためのガイドブック)の中の「小学校のくらし」>「持ち物」より URL:http://www.y-chuo-lions.jp/school/index.html
This site shows items essential to life in school. School materials, things to bring on the first day of school, things to bring thereafter, and so on, with English, Chinese, Korean and Tagalog versions. See [Enjoyable school life in Yamagata City]> [Elementary school life]> Belongings
MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan) offers information for foreign students to start school in Japan written in English, Korean, Vietnamese,Filipino, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish. [MEXT]
マルチリンガル教育を進めるためのキット:すべての子どもに教育の機会を (ユネスコ 2010)
“This kit was prepared for all of those who want to ensure that ‘Education for All’ does,
indeed, include everyone! The kit will be especially valuable for policy makers, education
practitioners and specialists who want to improve access to and quality of education for
those excluded by language. It will also be helpful for speakers of ethnic minority languages
who want to improve the education situation in their own communities.
This kit is designed to raise awareness on the importance of mother tongue-based
multilingual education (MLE). It presents key arguments and facts about MLE and provides
important insights about the value and benefits of providing education in learners’ mother
tongue. The kit also presents ideas, research findings and concrete examples that you can
use to think about your own situation and suggests steps for taking actions to make your
school system more responsive to linguistic diversity.” (from the book)
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