Advocacy Kit for promoting Multilingual Education: Including the Excluded (UNESCO, 2010)

マルチリンガル教育を進めるためのキット:すべての子どもに教育の機会を (ユネスコ 2010)
“This kit was prepared for all of those who want to ensure that ‘Education for All’ does,
indeed, include everyone! The kit will be especially valuable for policy makers, education
practitioners and specialists who want to improve access to and quality of education for
those excluded by language. It will also be helpful for speakers of ethnic minority languages
who want to improve the education situation in their own communities.
This kit is designed to raise awareness on the importance of mother tongue-based
multilingual education (MLE). It presents key arguments and facts about MLE and provides
important insights about the value and benefits of providing education in learners’ mother
tongue. The kit also presents ideas, research findings and concrete examples that you can
use to think about your own situation and suggests steps for taking actions to make your
school system more responsive to linguistic diversity.” (from the book)
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